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Universidad de Costa Rica


Karremans, A.P., F.T. Bakker, F. Pupulin, R. Solano-Gómez, & M.J.M. Smulders. 2013. Phylogenetics of Stelis and closely related genera (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae). Plant Syst. Evol. 29(1): 69-86.

Abstract. Stelis, one of the largest genera within Pleurothallidinae, was recently recircumscribed to include a fewhundred more species, most of which had previously beenassigned to Pleurothallis. Here, a new phylogenetic analysis of Stelis and closely related genera based on DNA sequences from nuclear ITS and chloroplast matK, basedon a much larger sample, is presented; it includes morethan 100 species assigned to Stelis and covers all proposed groupings within the genus, many of which have not previouslybeen represented. Clades are proposed to enableeasier discussion of groups of closely related species; eachclade is characterized morphologically, ecologically, andgeographically to explain the evidence found in themolecular analysis. Discussion of the evolutionary trends of character states found in the genus in its broad sense isgiven. The current taxonomy of the group is given and thepossible taxonomical implications of the findings presentedhere are discussed.

Keywords: Stelis, Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae, Molecular phylogeny, Morphology, Evolutionary trends


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