Maxillaria fulgens (Rchb. f.) L.O. Williams, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28(4): 425. 1941.
Bas.: Ornithidium fulgens Rchb. f., Beitr. Orchid.-K. C. Amer. 76. 1866. TYPE: [Cartago]. Naranjo in Costa Rica, 3 Jul 1857, Wendland s.n. (holotype, W, illustrations of type, AMES-102679, AMES-102680, AMES-102681).
Bas.: Ornithidium fulgens Rchb. f., Beitr. Orchid.-K. C. Amer. 76. 1866.
TYPE: [Cartago]. Naranjo in Costa Rica, 3 Jul 1857, Wendland s.n. (holotype, W, illustrations of type, AMES-102679, AMES-102680, AMES-102681).